Rock Paper Scissors in Python

Shah Ahmed
1 min readMar 1, 2022

When I was learning python just before the pandemic, the instructor created a simple rock paper scissors game to teach us loops and conditions. Then asked to add more features to make it interesting. I couldn't dare myself to do anything beyond what was already on the code editor. Then one-day my middle schooler nephew said he found some code for RPS and been working to make it prettier. I felt a sense of competitiveness and brought back the dusty old code to life. After some tinkering with pysimplegui and matplotlib, not to mention help from stackoverflow, it now has a face and some stats to go along:

Link to Replit:

I do plan on changing the button text to images. Let me know how I can improve it further whether it’s aesthetic or under the hood. Hope this inspires another code newbie like myself.

